How many years ago? 30+ ?
It seems like I was never really there, but in fact, there was a day. When Kodak Tri-X 400 was a viable option for me, shooting the Canon A1 in college and beyond. But I never explored this film in medium or large format.
During the holidays, I decided to revisit some of the "old" film stocks. So Tri-X was chosen, a 60 year old proven film stock. A favorite with many journalist of the day. Think Magnum, or other news agencies.
For me, it was the first time ever in medium format. With my Pentax 645 and 75mm prime, shooting wide open, I explored around the dinner table.
Can I say, wow... I fell in love with this film. "Creamy", that's what I came up with to describe this film. Check out the results. More of this film in my future!