Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hiking with the RB67 - Part 2

So... I had my first outing with the waist belt system.  A Think Tank belt system with two lens cups, and two pouches.  How did it go?

Pretty good actually.  Had an easy time with one exception.  Filters.  I tried to carry (3) soft wallets and (2) holders, along with a couple hard shell filter cases, which is quite bulky.

The two lenses, and extra film holder fit perfectly and carried very well.  The light meter was easy to access, and the overall experience was very good.  I think it will work for me long term.  And I don't really mind the geeky nature of the belt system, since it facilitates the RB67 system so well.

But, I may need to swap or reconfigure the pouches to resolve the filters issue.  The Chimp Cage is a bit large, and when I stuff the extra filters in it, it gets bulky and sags a bit.

As I find the next iteration, I will post back more.

Renewal - Part 2 "The Results"

Our photography group had a great outing, up near Pine Flat, shooting spring wildflowers. We had 9 people attend and we carpooled to Winton Park and a few other locations around the Blossom Trail.

The weather was perfect, with a few nice fluffy clouds, blue skies and great flowers.  Results are shown below.

Friday, March 1, 2019


Spring is coming!!

"Renewal" - a new theme for me, but really, ages old.  Going way back... to the days of Adam. In the garden!

Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you... I have given every green plant for food" Gen 1:29-30 NASB

I have been invited to join a photo group, with an emphasis on seeing and sharing God's glory.  Maybe a perfect fit for a landscape photographer?  Our theme for this quarter is "Renewal" and what better project considering spring is just around the corner.

A time when all things are new, the old is past, and signs of new life and renewal are everywhere.  Our next outing will be an attempt to capture this process.

Check back soon for a few new images!