So we are finally getting things going again. After nearly 3 months of sheltering in place, our National Parks are starting to open with limited access. I snagged a pass on one of the first days, and enjoyed a very quiet day in Yosemite National Park. Below are a few of my treasures.
Three Brothers
Cathedral Rocks
Yosemite Falls
These were shot on Ektar 100 in the RB67 ProS. This 50mm C lens (25mm equiv.) is a gem! And Ektar 100 film shines in this environment. I also tried a new to me film, Ilford SFX200. It is a red sensitive film, capable of producing some IR effects. Was not as impressed as I was with the Rollei IR400 film, but a few images came out okay.
Taft Point
Yosemite Valley - Merced River
All in all, it was so nice to get away and enjoy some outside for a change. And the park being at limited capacity was almost surreal! I have never seen it so peaceful in Yosemite National Park. If you live close, grab a pass, and go now!!