Tuesday, June 12, 2018

NYC Vacation - continued

Finally processed all (7) rolls, and scanned... editing may take awhile! Below are a few more images.

Saint Patrick's Cathedral - compared to the "Oculus", shown below. Equally impressive, yet vastly different.  Detail or simplicity? Separated by 160 years and about $4B dollars.

The detail in St. Pat's is incredible... tone and texture everywhere! Could have blew through 2 rolls of just detail shots, but I resisted... although my iPhone did get rather full.

 A day at the Met... summarized simply by me being able to stand in front of Van Gogh's self portrait (not shown). My older daughters appreciated it, and were patient, but I could have lingered all day!

A couple of Portra 160 shots just for fun.  I am learning that I really appreciate black and white so much more.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Back from NYC Vacation

We took the family to New York for some exploring, food and photography, and enjoyed a full week riding the subways around and walking nearly 40 miles!  We enjoyed some local food, took in the sights, explored the river around Manhattan, and of course stopped by the 911 memorial.

We packed each day with architecture, history, food, and photography and I came away with nearly 100 film images. So now the developing, scanning and editing has begun! (7) rolls of 120 film, (5) of which are B&W.

The first 2 rolls are into the editing stage and I am liking the results so far! See below.

Stay tuned... there are a few more rolls patiently waiting for attention!